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Honest Florist 468 x 60 Mother's Day Banner

Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Ribbon - Jewelry & Think Pink Merchandise Think Pink! Breast Cancer Awareness & Celebrity Fundraisers

Raising awareness with the breast of intentions! Trying to focus on the lighter and brighter side of breast cancer awareness and fundraising - with fun pink products, breast cancer ribbons, pink ribbon jewelry and fashion, with a spotlight on celebrity activists and famous people battling breast cancer. Get the latest news on Hollywood style fundraisers and other fundraising events for a breast cancer cure, that happen year round - not just in October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Monday, July 24, 2006

John Edward's wife said he offered to shave head

...according to the San Jose Mercury News:

When Elizabeth Edwards shaved her head because of hair loss from breast cancer treatment, her husband -- former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards -- offered to do the same....

So did their young son, Jack, Edwards writes in ``Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength From Friends and Strangers,'' scheduled for publication in September by Broadway Books.

``I convinced them it wouldn't help me to see more bald people in my family,'' she wrote.

Her husband, a former U.S. senator, was at her side throughout months of treatment in early 2005, she said. She has stayed mostly out of the public eye since Edwards and Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the presidential candidate, lost to the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2004.

Elizabeth Edwards was campaigning in Wisconsin 12 days before Election Day when she discovered a large lump. A week later, she was able to visit her doctor in Raleigh, and she told her husband she probably had breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Jewelry Designer Raising Money for Boston Walk

According to the Jewelry Weblog, one breast cancer jewelry designer doesn't just talk the talk - she donates 100% of after tax profits from the sale of her breast cancer jewelry to Susan G. Komen. And, she's walking the walk too:

pink ribbon breast cancer awareness watch

The desire to participate in the 2006 Boston 3-Day Breast Cancer walk was the inspiration for the Heather M Design awareness jewelry line. The company's founder, Heather Maietta, has developed a collection of pieces to include watches, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets that feature the pink ribbon, a symbol of breast cancer research and support. "By creating inspiring and unique jewelry geared towards breast cancer research, it increases awareness," states Heather. "If a person gets asked about a Heather M piece that they are wearing, it opens the door for discussion about why they are wearing it. It is my goal to use my designs as a method of prevention."

You can find the watch above and more breast cancer awareness jewelry at Heather M Designs

Monday, July 10, 2006

Breast Cancer Merchandise Already Popping Up for October Sales

According to a Chicago Sun-Times article, "In the Pink", the sales have already begun for Breast Cancer Awareness month in October 2006. And of course, the cynics who despise the corporate greed behind the sale of pink merchandise are starting to raise their voices.

The symbol of breast cancer awareness might as well be a dollar sign. Over the past 15 years, it's become ubiquitous in April through October merchandising. And there's no sign marketers are easing up on its use to sell cosmetics, cars and even chicken.

Pink ribbon marketers have already ramped up the 2006 offerings. Starting with Mother's Day-related promotions on through to Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, many are affiliated with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, the pre-eminent awareness and research fund:

Sure, there's some ridculous products out there being sold in the name of breast cancer research, but is it really all that bad? The proof is in the pink: The Komen foundation brought in more than $30 million from its 2005 partnerships.

Speaking of... Brides Against Breast Cancer

Anyone else getting married out there? Well, if you are, you probably already know about Brides Against Breast Cancer - which is an organization that takes bridal gown donations and resells them at events in major cities across the country and donates the proceeds to breast cancer research. Very cool deal.

Sounds like something i may want to do with my wedding dress, although I haven't bought one yet - I have two very special ones in mind, one of which is fuschia!

Cleaning off the Dust!!

Well, I did it again... let the blog get stale... Sorry, it couldn't be helped, between a job switch, the summer days pulling me away from the computer and out of the house for biking. That, and yea, I'm now obsessed with reading wedding related forums such as the Knot and Brides.com - trying to avoid the bridezilla thing! Well, i've got over a year to go. Getting married in October 2007. Maybe I'll do something special for breast cancer awareness month.


All year long, not just during October/Breast Cancer Awareness Month - eBags.com donates 10% of every pink product (look for the pink ribbon) to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Since 2004, they have donated over $500,000. Shop now:

Shop for Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Totes & Purses at eBags.com

AVON Beauty Products for Breast Cancer Awareness. Join the AVON Crusade for the Cause, and buy one of their pink products with a purpose. Since 1992, AVON has raised over $585 million for breast cancer research, free screenings and treatment assistance. Up to 100% of the profits of every product from the Crusade for the Cause collection are donated.