So.. Now My Dad Has Throat Cancer
As if it weren't enough that my mom has had breast cancer, and I'm very likely to get it - I'm not sure if I ever mentioned back in the archives, that my parents are both smokers. Chain Smokers. For probably the better part of the last 30+ years. My mom continues to smoke (although I think less) since beating her 5 year mark. And some years ago, I gave up arguing. It was pointless. They fully knew the risks, but probably didn't understand them. And furthermore, I don't think they fully comprehend the impact this scenario ultimately has on family and close friends.
On with the story - my dad, who just turned 54 last week, has been battling unknown symptoms (previously thought to be a stroke) for almost a year now. After losing 55 pounds, due to being unable to eat/swallow, and having significantly impaired speech, they finally discovered a tumor at the base of his tongue. Despite being 2500 miles away, through near daily conversations, I've followed his steps to the doctors, and urged him to take greater efforts in his own health, but I do believe that he was completely in denial that anything was wrong.
What I didn't know, and what neither my mom nor his friends had communicated to me in the entire time they've watched him go through this.. is just how bad it's gotten.
When I finally arrived here last Friday, I admit it was all i could do to not let him realize or see how shaken I actually was to see him for the first time since my wedding. He was practically unrecognizable. Though the personality and upbeat attitude covered up the truth.
Today, he was given a tracheotomy and will be put on a feeding tube tomorrow am. The reality has finally sunk in for everyone involved.